Hi guys!
So, when I sat down to think, oh, what would my blog readers really like to see, it came to me: Pictures of me before I head off to work at 8am! Throw in some 30 degree temperatures, grey skies, and a few hail pellets here and there and here I am! For your sake I am at least giving my best effort at pretending to be happy. I think the bewildered-deer-in-the-headlights close up gives away my true feelings a little bit though...If you know me in person you would recognize that as my fake smile but actually about to cry face.
Outfit Details:
Cropped Jacket - Vintage - in shop soon!
Pants & Boots: Target
Another really really exciting thing is that I am actually wearing PANTS on the blog! I actually wear pants (as opposed to skirts or dresses, not as opposed to going naked) multiple times a week, but for some reason those rarely get photographed. Its honestly been pretty difficult finding any time during the week to take pictures because it pitch black by the time I get home from work, so I have been resorting to weekend pictures or this dreadful experiment of before-work shots. I am sure most of you can relate between jobs and school and everyone's busy schedules!
Since Thanksgiving has passed, its okay that I am decked full out in red and green holiday cheer! In both floral and plaid nonetheless. I have actually been wearing Christmas socks for at least a month now, but Thanksgiving seems to be the official date where you are encouraged to be outwardly festive afterward. I picked up these velvety black pants from Target this weekend to pair with my ever-growing collection of cozy sweaters, so you may be seeing more of them! Anyway, I hope this week is going speedily for you and you are getting into the holiday spirit. Do you have any fun crafts planned or themed parties to attend? If you post about them I would love to see!
xo Hannah